Jimmy had two passes for a free game of bowling, so we went bowling. Which, if I had remembered, I might have suggested Jimmy wait on because of his sore shoulders. Didn't seem to bother him though. Kind of fun thing about this bowling alley is that they can program it so certain players get the bumpers and the others don't. Of course, that meant that I didn't get the joy of having no gutter balls. Yeah, I'm not the best bowler. I was doing really well though. At least for the first two frames. Got spares on both. The first ball of the third frame I also did well. Got 9. I was feeling a little bad because that meant that I was going to beat Jimmy by a lot. Yeah, there was no need for that. The next 6 balls were gutter balls. Yes, that's right, I said 6 gutter balls. In a row. Really wished I had the bumpers then. At least I got a spare in the last frame. Jimmy ended up beating me by 4 points. He was thrilled.
Jimmy's ball kept getting stuck behind the pins and wouldn't feed back to us. I finally found a second ball for him to use in those cases. This picture is of his first turn.
Cindy, thanks for the strawberry jam! It is SO yummy!
I'm glad that bowling didn't hurt Jimmy's arms at all. Way to go Jimmy at winning too! Loved the picture of Jimmy playing skeet ball too (great game).
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