Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's A.....

Ultrasound pictures!
Closer profile with hand by face. Actually took a bit to be able to see the face because the baby put its hands in front of the face for a while.
The "It's A" picture. See if you can figure it out. Of course, the baby was being quite shy and the ultrasound tech would kind of shake my stomach to try to get the legs to move so we could tell. Took a bit for that one, too.


Stacey said...

I'd post a comment here saying what it is, but then people might cheat. Congratulations though!

Mike said...

Katie thinks its a girl. I still can't tell what the heck the picture even is. Is this a picture of a human being? I am going to need some help since I don't even know where on the picture to look, or how the body is oriented, or even which side is the head?

Amy said...

I need help too!!! You have to help some of us ultrasound-challenged people out!!!

Unknown said...

The white line looks like girl parts, but then above that looks suspiciously like boy parts. In other words, I have no idea.

Jimmy said...

Its me jimmy Go to my blog Mike has already.

Jimmy said...

Its me jimmy Go to my blog Mike has already.